Senior Consultant

Patrick Coombes


Pat provides smart design ideas, clever analysis and sharp reporting as a key member of our High Rise and Commercial Team.

He combines dual qualifications in urban planning and architecture to provide unique insight for apartment buildings and various commercial developments in both South Australia and Victoria.

Pat began his career using his undergraduate qualifications in design and architecture working for a well-regarded design and construct firm.  This taught him the importance of pragmatic design that facilitates efficient construction. 

He then joined a prominent Victorian planning consultancy where he prepared a wide range of planning applications and facilitated statutory planning assessments.  He also obtained extensive experience preparing VCAT (Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal) statements, honing planning arguments and his writing skills.

Pat is highly regarded at URPS and by our clients for his clear writing style and measured presentation skills.

He uses an economy of words that is powerful before Council and State-level assessment panels.

Development Facilitation and Assessment 

Advice and Negotiation

Project Management

Major Projects

Crown Development and Essential Infrastructure

Master of Urban & Regional Planning, Curtin University

Bachelor of Design (Architecture), University of Newcastle

Planning Institute of Australia (Registered Planner)


