
Adaptive Reuse Approval Realises a Key State Planning Policy

couple standing in front of sold sign with house in background

Adaptive reuse of historic buildings is one of the key South Australian State Planning Policies.  It is also anticipated in the provisions of most Development Plans and the draft Planning & Design Code.

Achieving adaptive reuse, however, is often very challenging.  This is why the approval of the Emali Child Care Centre at Mount Osmond is worth celebrating.

Previously used as dog/cat boarding kennels and a dwelling, this State Heritage Place is set to become a high quality child care centre with a focus on connecting children with the surrounding natural environment.

The primary historic building offered great potential for adaptation to office/staff facilities, reception and activity rooms.  The heritage fabric will be restored, both internally and externally. Carefully designed connections between old and new are also a feature, together with a modern glass pavilion attached to the side and rear of the historic building. 

The City of Burnside and Heritage SA recognised the high-quality architecture and adaptive functionality of the project, and planning approval was granted relatively quickly – evidence of Emali’s commitment to the project and the skill of Aspex Building Designers in making adaptive reuse work.

We look forward to more developments like this helping bring new life to heritage listed buildings and deliver on the State Planning Policies.

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